Might as well get stoned

Welcome to Ripped City Bud, a blog for the everyday stoner. With this being my first post, I want to take this time to introduce you to who I am and what this blog is about. I’ll go into more detail about who I am in the About Me page (still under construction), but for now let me take you on the journey that lead me to the first time I toked up, back in my college days, to now, creating this blog for all you stoners. After a little bit of story-telling, I’ll give you the description of what Ripped City Bud is going to be about.

Back in high school I played sports and made a lot of good buddies. I’m probably more of a jock now than I was back then. It’s funny how time and experiences can change someone. Anyways, I always had someone asking me if I wanted to go and get drunk or high with them after practice or a game. At the time, I had no interest in anything of the sort. You see, I had grown up with the notion that my parents would somehow always find out what I was doing and that scared the shit out of me. So being the “good” kid I was, I never got mixed with that crowd. I was never against the idea of smoking or drinking, I grew up around it every single day. At parties there were always adults getting high in the backyard or the garage. Being Mexican, I knew that drinking would be in my blood, but I low-key wanted my first drink to be with my pops. Now fast-forward to the end of my freshman year in college. I was hanging out with my roomie who was and still is a huge stoner. I called him giggles because he would get the giggles every single time he got stoned. It was a Friday or Saturday, and we had nothing to do. He just finished smoking in our bathroom (I’ll write another post about smoking in college while living next to your RA!) and started to play some game on his xbox. I sat there watching him play and told him, “you know what man, I think I wanna smoke. But the only other person I’d wanna smoke with is my uncle and he ain’t here. Watcha think?” Didn’t even have to say anything else, my buddy packed his pipe into this carrying case and told me that if i was going to smoke for the first time, that the best place to have this go down would be at the beach. The beach was only about a 15 min walk from our dorm room, and it was a nice sunny day out. We joked that we had ourselves a bro-date. We were basically the real-life Turk and JD, me being Turk and him JD, from Scrubs (only the best TV show there is).

The years after the first time I toked up have  seen me dabbing, eating edibles, smoking out of a $2,000 piece, and so much more. Like this one time I got caught with weed in my possession by the campus police. That incident got me a $500 ticket for having less than a gram on me! The worst part? The cop who gave me the ticket was being trained by the only cop friend I have ever made. I used to work on campus and this cop was always doing his rounds during the hours I worked so I got to know him pretty well. These are some of the reasons I decided to create Ripped City Bud. I want to create a space for the everyday stoner to come to and share their experiences. I want to also provide bi-weekly reviews, Weedviews, of different strains. I am also going to just write about other weed related events or content. If you ever want me to cover something, feel free to hit me up with what you think I should cover.

Thank and enjoy Ripped City Bud!

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